Artificial Intelligence, Oxymoron and Natural Intelligence
I posted this question to a couple of online AI engines and to my surprise, none came up with the correct anwser.
This is the question - "Two Americans were crossing a bridge on a bright summer morning, one was the father of the other and the other wasn't the son. So, what was their relationship?"
This is a classic IQ question - supposedly, employed by Microsoft in the easrly 90s in the recruitment of top talent for its work pool. Essentially, this is a mis-direction fixation challenge. On the surface - it is a fairly straight forward question with the requisite hint at solving it. For whatever reason, most people asked this question are always fixated on the "father and son" narative, which in reality - is the hint to solving the question, but always end up getting it wrong.
My point really is - the so called AI engines got the answer to the question wrong as well. The real poser is - should we still be referring to the encompassing ecosystem that these engines domiciled as - "Artificial Intelligence". My understanding is that something artificial is not the real thing but for all intents and purposes, serves the same need as the real thing.
Should we really be describing these engines as having any semblance of intelligence if simple real life questions cannot be solved without being rigged?
Another question posed to the AI engines that they got wrong is this - "Five birds are perching on the branch of a tree. If one of them is shot dead, how many birds will be left perching?". This is a funny question but really something that could be observed in real life.
Most of the AI engines provided a feedback of 4 birds left but in real life, none will be left as the natural tendency is for birds, and most animals, to seek self preservation and will definitely fly away to avoid the same fate that befell the fallen hero.
One more example is the classic case of the lady cum old woman picture. There is a sketch of a supposedly young lady that when viewed from a different angle tends to portay the image of an old woman. So, the question becomes - if you subject the picture to an image classifier AI engine -what will it come up with - a young lady or an old woman?
Hint - side view of young lady can be seen with a necklace or something - old woman with a pronounced nose and shawl covering her hair can be seen equally. The necklace seen in the view for the young woman makes up the mouth for the view of the old woman. The jawline for the young lady makes up the outline of the nostrils for the old woman. You may need to adjust your eye focus in other to see the different images.
All in all - my beef is that - the notion of Artificial Intelligence is a fallacy or misnomer- it is almost impossible to totally replace natural intelligence. So, it is more of "caveat emptor - buyers beware" situation - when getting into the terrain of artificial intelligence.
BTW - if you are interested in the relationship between the two Americans - it is Father and Daughter
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