Artificial Intelligence, Oxymoron and Natural Intelligence
I posted this question to a couple of online AI engines and to my surprise, none came up with the correct anwser. This is the question - "Two Americans were crossing a bridge on a bright summer morning, one was the father of the other and the other wasn't the son. So, what was their relationship?" This is a classic IQ question - supposedly, employed by Microsoft in the easrly 90s in the recruitment of top talent for its work pool. Essentially, this is a mis-direction fixation challenge. On the surface - it is a fairly straight forward question with the requisite hint at solving it. For whatever reason, most people asked this question are always fixated on the "father and son" narative, which in reality - is the hint to solving the question, but always end up getting it wrong. My point really is - the so called AI engines got the answer to the question wrong as well. The real poser is - should we still be referring to the encompassing ecosystem...