SignalR - the latest BUZZWORD!

I love the computing industry, it is never in short supply of acronyms and buzzwords. One of the newly added ones is "SignalR" - which in its simplest form is actually a technology that allows FULL DUPLEX communication between the client and a Web server in real time.

A typical web page is driven by HTTP ( which is the protocol through which the browser communicates with the server. The protocol in this case, is analogous to a LANGUAGE that is used for communicating between the client ( browser) and the server. The server supposedly, understands a plethora of languages but the language (Protocol) of preference for serving up web pages is called HTTP).

The biggest challenge of HTTP has been its STATELESS form - which means - the SERVER ( web Server) does not maintain an open channel of communication directly with the client making a request. All it knows is that - a request came in from an address via a port, which is processed and then sent back to the address from where the request came from. While it is processing the request - there is no direct link with the originator of the request. Also, once the response is sent back - the server has no way of initiating further communications with the client except of course, the client re-initiates another request.

Okay - so where are we going with this? Good question. There are certain situations - we want spontaneity. We want to be notified immediately of some event taking place in another environment that we are interested in. There have been attempts in the past to implement something that could make the channel of communication between the client and server OPEN for the lifetime of the client being active. Specifically, piggy riding on the AJAX technology using a concept called LONG POLLING - which is basically having like a HIDDEN IFRAME in a page that is continuously making a request to the server which in turn only responds if it has anything for the client.

The Windows Communication Foundation technology - using Web services - also offers a subscription/notification model that could be used to accomplish this as well - or push/pull design model. However, WCF has been superseded by WEB API - which,supposedly, is the best thing that's ever happened since the "invention" of SLICED BREAD!

To achieve the semblance of SPONTANEITY and/or FULL DUPLEX communication between the client and the server, we can employ one or more of the possible TECHNOLOGIES available provided the prerequisites are met. The Web API to be effective - requires a Server running Windows 2012 and a client running IE 10 or so. In short, for some of these technologies to be used one must ensure that the enabling environment is present.

This is where "SignalR" comes in. It is a set of Libraries that allows a user to implement FULL Duplex of Spontaneous communication with a server without having to worry about the underlying prerequisites for implementing a particular model for that to take place. Simply put - SignalR does most of the heavy lifting and under the hood stuff for you. It basically determines if it can use Web API for FULL Duplex communication, if not - it tries the PUSH/PULL WCF method to see if it can be used and if that does not work - it defaults to the AJAX long polling method.

A pragmatic usage of SignalR is in “Data Refresh” – you can implement SignalR such that a user automatically gets NOTIFIED of a DELTA DATA CHANGE without the client (browser) initiating the REFRESH. You can always be guaranteed of discrete REAL TIME notification without the overhead of a FULL REFRESH. The other less intuitive usage is to serve as a backbone for a MESSAGE BUS or QUEUE implementation.

One final note, SignalR is not restricted to the Web platform alone – it can be used within a Windows based application or a console based application or even more, in an heterogeneous platform.

This post is not so much about the technical usage of SignalR but rather a brief literature about what the buzz is with SignalR. For more in-depth discussion about SignalR, you can visit the HOME PAGE


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