SignalR - the latest BUZZWORD!
I love the computing industry, it is never in short supply of acronyms and buzzwords. One of the newly added ones is "SignalR" - which in its simplest form is actually a technology that allows FULL DUPLEX communication between the client and a Web server in real time. A typical web page is driven by HTTP ( which is the protocol through which the browser communicates with the server. The protocol in this case, is analogous to a LANGUAGE that is used for communicating between the client ( browser) and the server. The server supposedly, understands a plethora of languages but the language (Protocol) of preference for serving up web pages is called HTTP). The biggest challenge of HTTP has been its STATELESS form - which means - the SERVER ( web Server) does not maintain an open channel of communication directly with the client making a request. All it knows is that - a request came in from an address via a port, which is processed and then sent back to the address from wher...