
Showing posts from December, 2011

Cloud versus Ground

I am back! Yes, back with a bang! Writing is not an easy virtue, it requires dedication and hard work. I moved over my blog from a physical data center to Amazon Web services and I had to "shut down" ( of course, I had no option) my blog while the transition was going in. Honestly, it has not been an easy ride but as usual, that is the most interesting thing of being in this game - I mean profession - always facing challenges on a daily basis and looking for ways of not succumbing to them. I read a lot about the cloud thing and visualization and again, I could not get my head around all the buzz words and the technical jargon. I finally decided to "play" around with the concept when the lease at the data center location I was using expired. I contemplated hosting "myself" in my basement and getting dedicated IP addresses or better still, subscribing to one the thousands of ASPs offering the platform and mash-up of tools I was interested i...